ABC125C - GCD on Blackboard

C - GCD on Blackboard

Problem summary

There is  N numbers  A_1, A_2, \ldots , A_n.
You can change a number between  1 and  10^9 or do nothing.
Calculate maximum GCD of N numbers after rewriting.


・Time limit: 2 sec
・Memory limit: 1024 MB
・Each input is an integer number.
 2 \leq N \leq 10^5
 1 \leq A_i \leq 10^9


You should calculate maximum GCD of N-1 numbers which have N choices.


You can remove  A_i ( 1 \leq i \leq N) and simulate. This solution is  O(N^2)


Prepare two sequences  l and  r such that
 l[i] = GCD(A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_i)
 r[i] = GCD(A_n, A_{n-1}, \ldots, A_i)
and calculate
 MAX(MAX_{i=2}^{n-1}{(GCD(l[i-1], r[i+1]))}, l[n-1], r[2]).
This solution takes  O(N)